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Take It Back | 1 Samuel 17

Tyler Everett


In the well-known tale of David and Goliath from 1 Samuel chapter 17, we often focus on the epic confrontation between the young shepherd boy and the fearsome giant. However, before David could face this formidable opponent, he had to navigate a series of small battles that prepared him for the ultimate showdown. In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of these overlooked skirmishes and draw parallels to our own lives, where we may be fighting battles in the shadows.

The Unseen Struggles:

As we open the pages of 1 Samuel chapter 17, we find David tending his father's sheep, seemingly far from the frontlines of any significant battle. Yet, it is during these mundane moments that David's character is being forged. In the same way, we often find ourselves wrestling with battles that go unnoticed by the world around us. These struggles might be internal, emotional, or spiritual, and we may be hesitant to share them with others.

The Battle of Stewardship:

One crucial lesson we learn from David's story is the importance of stewardship. David's willingness to faithfully care for his father's sheep, even when the reward seemed distant, laid the foundation for his future victories. In our journey, we must recognize that everything we have belongs to God, and our role is to steward those gifts and resources, whether big or small. Just as David cared for the sheep, we must learn to serve and honor the vision of others before stepping into our own destinies.

Private Victories for Public Triumphs:

David's private victories – his faithfulness to his father's sheep and his willingness to confront predators like lions and bears – set the stage for his public triumph over Goliath. Similarly, our private battles and victories, the ones no one else knows about, are shaping us for the larger challenges that lie ahead. It's easy to become fixated on the big wins and end goals, but it's the small, unseen battles that ultimately prepare us to face the giants in our lives.

The Heart of Humility and Empowerment:

David's heart of humility and willingness to serve are evident throughout his story. In his interactions with King Saul, he doesn't boast of his skills or qualifications; instead, he speaks of his ability to care for the sheep entrusted to him. Likewise, we are called to approach our journeys with a teachable spirit, partnering with leaders and mentors who empower us to pursue our callings. As we empower and support one another, we create a community that reflects Christ's example of selfless service.

The Lion, The Bear, and Taking Back What's Stolen

David describes how he bravely confronted the lion and the bear to protect his flock. He pursued them, struck them down, and rescued the lamb from their clutches. This remarkable feat of courage and determination reveals an essential principle: we must be willing to fight for what is valuable to us. In life, we often encounter challenges and situations that threaten to steal our peace, joy, or purpose. Just as David didn't back down when his lamb was taken, we too should stand up against the forces that seek to rob us of our blessings.

The Second Battle: Embracing Defeat as a Stepping Stone

David goes on to emphasize an important truth that often goes unnoticed in our pursuit of victory: the inevitability of defeat. He acknowledges that not every battle will end in triumph. Even Jesus Himself acknowledged the presence of troubles in this world. David's words remind us that defeat is not the end; it can serve as a stepping stone to greater victories. Admitting our defeats and learning from them is essential for growth and resilience. It is through these experiences that we become better equipped to face future challenges.

The Battle of Completion: Seeing Challenges Through

David's account offers another profound lesson: the importance of completing the battles we engage in. Starting something is often exciting and full of promise, but it's in the midst of challenges that we tend to lose our passion and determination. David's example teaches us to fight to completion, to see our battles through until the end. Just as David caught the lion and the bear by the beard and struck them down, we should resolve to overcome obstacles and not give up midway.

Taking Back What the Enemy Has Stolen

David's account also emphasizes the importance of reclaiming what the enemy has stolen. Just as David didn't allow the lion and bear to keep the lamb they had taken, we too should take back what the enemy has stolen from us. Whether it's lost time, opportunities, or blessings, we can trust that God enables us to recover and restore what was taken from us.

Conclusion: Learning from David's Example

In reflecting on David's encounter with the lion and the bear, we are reminded of the importance of courage, persistence, and trusting in God's strength. David's journey from shepherd to king was marked by battles, defeats, and triumphs, all of which shaped his character and prepared him for his destiny. Just as David learned to fight for what was precious to him and to trust in God's deliverance, we too can apply these principles to our own lives.

As we navigate the battles that come our way, let us draw inspiration from David's example. May we be bold in confronting challenges, resilient in the face of defeat, and unwavering in our trust in God's strength. And when the enemy seeks to steal from us, let us remember that we have the power to take back what rightfully belongs to us. Through it all, may we learn to fight the battles of life with determination, courage, and the assurance that victory is within our grasp.



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